January Box Reveal

January Box Reveal

For our January box, we’re welcoming the new year with some of our new favourites (many of which are Canadian! )

We started with "Boy" by Australian author Phil Cummings. Phil’s tender storytelling introduces the idea of disability visibility and the power of perception.

We paired a healthy, savoury granola by Canadian company Granolust with a luxurious, sweet treat by Pepperidge Farm to create snack balance!

Our Canadian content continues with a fun doodle pad by Doodle Lovely - sure to bring some Zen to your next staff meeting or parent conference. Hair cords by Gummibands will play nice with our new N95 mask straps. 

Wonder Stix by the Pencil Grip Company are truly wonderful! Their vibrant colour is washable, dust free, and odorless. They are also cap free and won’t dry out. 

Finally we included the most adorable teacher stickers by Crystalina Sticker Co. These gorgeous glossy stickers are durable and water-resistant making them the perfect addition to your water bottle or laptop.